Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Short on time? Try this fast routine

Got 20? Well if so the following workout is a go to work out for when you are crunched on time or just feel like fitting in a fast and to the point workout. Anymore most all of my workouts are what I call "cross based". The following workout is a very watered down cross workout but this is an example of the general idea. Cross based workouts are perfect for fat blasting and metabolism boosting. They are workouts that include resistance and strengthening exercises..(sometimes weights but a lot of the time high intensity body weight exercises)and they are combined with cardio based elements like running, jumping drills, and cross also usually involves plyometric exercises. I have found that since I began cross training with Tyler at the local Fit for Life my body has took a turn that has led to be in the best change of my life. Now I usually train with Tyler about once a week just for fresh ideas and and to change up my regular routines and my own training methods. we do a lot of high intensity ex. I did was running a 800 m. stride on the treadmill, coming off doing jumping body squats, front squats, box jumps and then repeating this circuit 4 times. This method of working out is fun and intense; while including fat blasting cardio and body toning strength of both worlds! This evening my sister said she wished she had worked out today and that it was too late for her to go to gym. She didn't know what to do here in out home; and I jumped at the opportunity to run her through this "convincing short" routine. She agreed and found that in 20 min she felt totally relieved that she had gotten a surprisingly fairly good workout in; which totally beat later regretting she had done nothing. Here is the workout....this is a very simple example and anyone can throw together these mini-workouts combing simple strength exercises and mixing them with a cardio option of your choice.

Missy's Living room workout---Missy is 14 so you can do this simple routine too!
warm up with 3 min of jumping jacks and stretching.
The workout----6 circuits of:
* 20 Jumping Jacks
* 12 body weight squats..take butt below knees; keep weight in the heels. ( if applicable for the individual, every other circuit do jumping body squats in stead of stationary)
* 12 push ups
* 12 sit ups...try to switch the ab exercise each circuit.
Enjoy =)

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