Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nothing "Great" comes easy...

Sadly, we have to face this fact..that getting in good physical condition, and/or making a major lifestyle change is not easy. It will and does take work and dedication; but with the right motivation...anyone is capable. There is no fix to "skinny". 10 day diet pills and magic "potions of the stars" that we see advertise and gimiks. Real success comes from sweat..yes I said sweat and hard work. This is what leads to results. Before we begin any fitness journey or plan we must first face this fact and accept it. Something I feel we all can relate to is basically just getting caught up in our busy and hectic lifesyles that we all lead in today's society. Some of us wake up to tired from a late night and have our morning classes screaming in our ears as our alarm clocks sound. Some of us have to wake up and bus the kids to school, head to work, come home, fix dinner and take care of errands and chores and by the time you even get the time to think about working out it is either almost t/m or your so tired you can think of nothing worse that a workout! Yes, the initial sequence of beggining your routine and fixating workout time frequently into your schedual is the hardest of the first steps. HOWEVER< studies show once in the flows of things it does get easier and the body accepts the change AND as discussed earleir the body natually begin to feel better about exerciese and bertter over all due to the endorphins exercise natually produces. So the challenge....make time! =) Whether it's brutally getting into a schedual of early mornings or making a little "you" time before you come home in the evening...you have to do what is right for you and you body; and this is to stay active. Even fitting in a lunchtime workout is better than none. Try bringing a lunch and using your actal break for a workout if this is your only option. Need the initial motivation to get started and stay on track? This may sound silly but fequently look at someone you feel is in your ideal pysical condition or someone you feel looks totally healthy and you admire them. It works! Before the Miss Illlinois USA Pageant kept reminders on my fridge that counted down the days I had before I needed to be in my "best ever condition"; and it really did help! Food logs are also very good reminders and tools. Log your calories and fat intake and this will open your eyes to what you need to improve and prevent over indulding too often. If all else fails a buddy system never lets you down. Set goal with a friend and keep each other on tract with reminders, schedual partner workouts, and encouraging one another to keep on tract.
Hopefully this is another motivator to our now beggining new year of ...Getting Fit, Staying Fit, and Taking the Steps to a Healthier and HAPPIER you! =)

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