Monday, January 18, 2010

Body weight Circuit Ideas. No weights or machines required

From what I have been told, a lot of people are really eager to hear more ideas on how they can throw in a workout from the comfort of their home or do one on a low budget without machines and weights. Here is anothr good fully body wieght circuit that you may find intersting and it like usual incororates strength with mixed in cardio bursts. You can do this routine alone or before of after a cardio session of your choice.
After you are warmed up, Perform each exercise for 30 seconds to two minutes depending upon your conditioning and interest. Move to the next exercise smoothly, but quickly. You can continue the routine as long as you like (a twenty minute workout or an hour or more). Cool down with five or more minutes of stretching. The key to really getting a good workout from this and blastin fat is to trasition from one excersie to the next as fast as you possible can and maintain an fairly intense pace throught the entire workout.

***High knees

Stand with feet together. Squat down and place your hands on the floor next to your feet. In an explosive movement, jump feet backwards into a push-up position, jump feet back between hands and stand up.
Push Ups

***Jumping Squats (if jumping is too difficult try stationary; howver without weight jumping is going to make you work harder and feel the move)

***Jump Lunges
Start in the lunge position – one foot forward and one foot back. Bend your knees and then jump up high and switch leg positions. Use explosive, but controlled movements.

***Push Ups
Begin in push up position, on knees or toes. Perform 4 push ups, abs in and back straight. On the 5th push up, lower halfway down and hold for 4 counts. Push back up and repeat the series - 4 regular push ups and 1 halfway--5 or more times.

***Side Jumps
Stand with feet together. Jump to the right several feet, keeping knees bent and landing in a squat position. Jump back to the left and continue jumping from side to side. Use a small object to jump over if you like (book, pillow etc..).

***Mountain Climbers
Start on your hands and knees and get into in a sprinter’s start position. Keep your hands on the ground and push off with your feet so you alternate foor placement (run in place) as long as you can. Be sure to keep your back straight, not arched.

***Plank Exercise
Get into push up position on hands and toes, or on elbows and toes. Contract your abdominal muscles (and core). Keep your back straight (don't collapse in the middle) and hold this position for as long as you can.

***Abdominal Exercises
Ab exercises can be done almost anywhere with no equipment.

***Tuck Jump
The tuck jump exercise ranks near the top of the list for developing explosive power using only an athlete's body weight.

***Chair Dips
You’ll need two chairs, (or a bed and a chair or a counter, etc…) for this great tricep exercise. Place two chairs facing each other, about 3 feet apart. Sit on one chair with your hands palm down and gripping the edge of the chair. Place your heels on the edge of the other chair and hold yourself up using your triceps. Slide forward just far enough that your behind clears the edge of the chair and lower yourself so your elbows are at 90 degrees. Do as many repetitions as you can.

***Wall Sit
With your back against a wall, and your feet about 2 feet away from the wall, slide down until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Hold the position as long as you can. This is great for ski conditioning.

***Jumping Jacks
The basic jumping jack is a good cardio and strength training exercise.

Be Creative, have fun. enjoy =)

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