Often times I consider "training of the mind" just as important as training the physical body. When you mind is not ready for the commitment to your fitness journey then the likelihood of you becoming successful is slim. You must be in a clear state of mind, have a perfect understanding of what it is you want to achieve, and be in a mental state where you are prepared to work towards those goals. Hard work and determination lead to achievement and success. I find that when my mind is scattered and I am not quite as put together as normal; then my workouts and progress suffers as well. I am a strong believer in health and fitness for your mind body and spirit. Spirituality is a virtue I hold very dearly. I was raised strong in my religious and spiritual beliefs and throughout my upbringing I learned that my faith would forever be the backbone and support needed to reach for my dreams. After all the lord stated in the bible that both physical and mental wellness are essential for our well being.
1st Timothy 4:7-9 reads “Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important for it promises a reward in both this life and the next
This scripture tells us the importance of finding your piece of mind and keeping your life in a composed and "ready to go state". Before I embark on new fitness journey or any journey for that matter (for example- my upcoming chance at competing for Miss Quincy) I make sure I am prepared mentally to go 110%..with the lord and his word in the back of my mind. With this sense of well being I feel I can conquer anything and I am confident in my dreams and daily aspirations.
Find your "state of mind"...Reach for not only fitness and health of the body, but also the mind and spirit!
Have a fit and fabulous day!
-Megan =)
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